1. How long does RPSK MATERIAL PRIVATE LIMITED take to deliver?
The minimum time to deliver the product is 4 days; at maximum, it can take up to 7 days.
2. Why is it taking so long to process my order?
While we aim to deliver your order within the estimated timeframe, unforeseen circumstances such as inclement weather, customs delays, or carrier issues may occasionally cause delays.
3. Can I return/exchange any product brought from RPSK MATERIAL PRIVATE LIMITED ?
Returns are accepted within 15 days if tags, labels, and hygiene strips are intact. Exchanges are available for different colors or sizes. If an exchange cannot be fulfilled, a refund will be issued. Note: Panties and lingerie sets including panties are non-exchangeable.
4. If I return the products, will the shipping charges be credited?
The shipping charges are deducted from the total amount.
5. How can I correct details if I placed a wrong order or incorrect size and color?
You can cancel the order directly from the website if the shipment has not departed for your destination. If delivered, you can exchange the product within a 15-day return window.
6. How do I cancel my order?
Orders can be canceled from the RPSK MATERIAL PRIVATE LIMITED website. If shipment hasn't occurred, you'll receive a full refund. If the shipment has been made, partial shipping fees will be deducted, and the rest will be refunded.
7. How can I confirm my product size?
To confirm your product size, refer to the size guide provided in every product section.
8. What are the return methods?
We provide two return methods. A cost-free Pickup service is provided. You can self-ship the product in case the pickup is not available. Shipping costs are reimbursed as long as the returned product adheres to the terms and conditions of our return policy.
9. What if I am unavailable to receive the package?
If the shipment reaches the destination and receives no response from you, it will be returned to its point of origin. In such instances, the product cost is refunded excluding the shipping charges.
10. When will I receive my order? How can I check whether it is shipped or not?
Once your order gets shipped, you'll get a confirmation email with tracking details. Use the tracking number to check your delivery status on our site or the carrier's site.
Don't hesitate to reach us at support@RPSK Material.io for assistance, or contact us through: +91 9833250648.